Friday Jun 14, 2024

14 | 3 Essential Nutrients to Balance Your Hormones & Lose Weight After 40

In this episode, we're diving deep into the buzzworthy topic of hormone balance and its impact on weight loss after 40. If you've ever been frustrated by those extra pounds that won't budge, no matter how little you eat or how much you exercise, this episode is for you.

You've probably heard the term "balance your hormones" all over social media. But what does it really mean? And why is it so crucial, especially as we hit our 40s? Today, we're unraveling the truth behind hormonal changes and weight gain, and giving you three actionable tips to help you navigate this challenging time.

Hormone Balance and Weight Loss: Here's the deal: it doesn't matter how little you eat. If your hormones are out of whack, you will NOT lose weight. Especially during perimenopause. In my 20s, cutting calories was enough to shed a few pounds. But at 48, it's a different story. Today, I’ll explain why this happens and share three essential nutrients that can help rebalance your hormones and support weight loss.

What's Happening:

  • Progesterone Decline and Estrogen Rise: With declining progesterone and fluctuating estrogen, your body holds onto fat to produce hormones, especially post-menopause.
  • Cortisol Increase: High cortisol levels lead to ghrelin and leptin resistance, insulin resistance, and more fat storage. It's a vicious cycle.
  • Estrogen and Type 2 Diabetes: Estrogen helps protect against Type 2 diabetes, but as its levels drop during perimenopause and post-menopause, insulin resistance sets in.

Balancing Hormones Naturally: While bioidentical hormones and herbal supplements have their place, I focus on balancing hormones naturally through diet. Nutrients, particularly minerals, are key.

Practical Takeaway: Tune into this episode to discover the three essential nutrients needed to rebalance your hormones. Learn the recommended amounts and the best food sources for each nutrient.

Next Steps:

Go to and schedule a FREE call to determine how I can help you! This is a limited-time offer.

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Magnesium supplement recommendation:  Use code HERWAY for 10% discount


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I love listening to your podcast!! I would appreciate it very much if you explained the different types of magnesium. I know it’s good for bowel regularity and I am still hoping to find the right one. I haven’t found one yet that has helped that issue

Saturday Jun 15, 2024

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